The Bean Report
Your source for independent, up-to-date information on soybean and pulse crop agronomy and research. The Bean Report is a newsletter distributed bi-weekly throughout the growing season. Sign up today to receive the next Bean Report!
Your source for independent, up-to-date information on soybean and pulse crop agronomy and research. The Bean Report is a newsletter distributed bi-weekly throughout the growing season. Sign up today to receive the next Bean Report!
Crop UpdateSoybean Harvest TipsReducing Soybean Harvest Losses
Crop Update & Scouting NotesImpact of Fall FrostDry Bean Harvest Tips
Crop UpdateDry Bean DesiccationPea Harvest
Crop UpdateScouting UpdateDesiccating Field Peas
Crop UpdateFoliar Fungicide and Diseases in SoybeansManaging White Mould in Dry Beans Using Fungicide
Crop UpdateCrop ConditionsSoybean Nodulation Assessment
Crop updateScouting tipsMycosphaerella blight and pea fungicide decisions
Crop Staging and ConditionsLate Soybean PlantingAssessing Pulse and Soybean Plant Stands
Crop desiccation has become an increasingly hot topic. In part due to consumer demand for pesticide-free products, variable maximum residue limits (MRLs) across export markets and the negative spotlight on glyphosate.
It doesn’t mean desiccation is off-limits. But we need to understand the limitations of late-season herbicide. Especially when it comes to crops destined for human consumption, including field peas and dry edible beans.
Crop updateDry bean seeding tipsPRE herbicide options for soybeans
Seeding UpdateFaba Bean Seeding TipsField Pea Inoculation
Field pea seeding tipsCold temperature considerations for pulses and soybeansOn-Farm Network sign-up information