Production Resources
Download the latest production resources (guides, fact sheets, app) developed to assist farmers and agronomists with soybean and pulse crop production.
Download the latest production resources (guides, fact sheets, app) developed to assist farmers and agronomists with soybean and pulse crop production.
Basic agronomic recommendations for growing lupins, from field selection to harvest.
Lambda-cyhalothrin has been cancelled for all feed uses. This factsheet provides information on insects thresholds and alternative products available.
Basic agronomic recommendations for narrow-row dry beans, from field selection to harvest.
New! A fact sheet developed specifically for organic pea growers to provide weed control tips throughout the growing season.
New! A visual guide to field pea insect and disease pests in Manitoba.
New! A step-by-step guide on how to conduct meaningful field-scale research trials on your farm.
New! This visual guide describes how to scout for the R9 (full maturity) crop stage in dry beans for desiccation applications and provides harvest and storage recommendations.
New! This visual guide describes how to scout for the R7 (full maturity) crop stage in field peas for desiccation or preharvest weed control applications and provides harvest and storage recommendations.
New! A fact sheet developed specifically for organic pea growers to provide best agronomic practices from field selection to harvest.
New! Use this decision worksheet while scouting to determine if your pea field needs foliar fungicide.
This calendar indicates when to scout for faba bean insect and disease pests, along with their potential impact on production.
This guide provides a summary of 2022 variety evaluation data from various locations across Manitoba to help you select the best varieties for your farm.
A timeline that indicates when to scout for dry bean insect and disease pests, and their impact on production and quality.
A timeline that indicates when to scout for field pea insect and disease pests, and their impact on production and quality.
This highlighter tool uses soybean variety evaluation data from various locations across Manitoba to help you select the best soybean varieties for your farm.
This guide is the first of its kind to showcase images of faba bean growth stages, under the vegetative (V) and reproductive (R) naming system.
Glyphosate should only be applied on lentils when the crop is at less than 30% seed moisture content.
New! Use this guide for lentils to identify the proper application timing of pesticide products and harvest management strategies.
This guide is the first of its kind to showcase images of field pea growth stages, under the vegetative (V) and reproductive (R) naming system.
This visual guide provides plant, seed and field view images of peas to help you correctly time field operations late in the season.
Your one-stop shop for all things soybean aphid, based on the most recent and relevant research findings.
Pulse crop market restrictions and maximum residue level guidelines involving crop protection products.
This award-winning guide is the first of its kind to provide images that coincide with dry bean development stages.
Basic agronomic recommendations for soybeans, from field selection to harvest and storage.
Basic agronomic recommendations for field peas, from field selection to harvest.
Diagnosis, management and research results on root rot in peas and lentils.
A visual guide and timeline of soybean development stages and key crop scouting activities.
Recommendations on soybean nutrient management, inoculation and iron deficiency chlorosis.
A timeline that indicates when to scout for soybean insect and disease pests, and their impact on production and quality.
A visual guide to assess soybean staging as the crop nears maturity.
A visual guide to soybean insect and disease pests in Manitoba.
A worksheet for determining if fungicide is necessary for control of white mould in dry beans.
Recommendations on phosphorus fertilization in soybeans and a calculator to assist with your annual P balance.
Pests to consider, recommendations and research results for seed treatment use in soybeans.
A visual guide to soybean growth stages.
A summary of agronomic information on establishing pulse crops in Manitoba.
Acreage information and maps.
Information on soybean acres, including seeded acre maps, a graph depicting fluctuation over the past decade and variety market share information.
Information on field pea acres, including seeded acre maps, a graph depicting fluctuation over the past decade and variety market share reports.