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Lupins are an attractive alternative pulse crop option since they are excellent nitrogen (N) fixers, resistant to Aphanomyces root rot and have an upright growth habit with good standability.
Markets for lupins are in development in Western Canada. They are rich in protein (35-40% protein), high in fiber (~ 25%), low in oil (2-8%) and starch (~2%) making them an attractive option for protein fractionators.1 Processing has been expanding, allowing lupins to enter new markets.
Field Selection
Lupins have moderate to high moisture requirements, requiring at least 9 inches (225 mm) of water over the growing season.2 Sandy soils are not well suited to lupins since they do not hold water well. In heavy clay soils, compaction or crusting can reduce emergence since lupin cotyledons are brought above ground like soybean or dry bean cotyledons.

Iron Deficiency Chlorosis (IDC) and pH
Lupins grown in soils that have high calcium carbonates, moisture and soluble salt levels are susceptible to IDC. Lupins tolerate acidic to mildly alkaline and slightly calcareous soils, and pH tolerance varies with lupin species. Broadleaved sweet white lupins tolerate pH up to 7.8 while narrow-leaved blue lupins tolerate pH up to 7.2.2 Choose fields with organic matter >4% to maximize in-crop herbicide options.
Crop Rotation
Cereal crops (wheat, oats, barley) are preferred stubble types to precede lupin production since there are no herbicide options to control volunteer canola in-crop. Following cereal crops also provides an opportunity to control perennial weeds ahead of growing lupins.
Similar to peas, lupins are sensitive to damage from select soil residual herbicides like sulfonylureas, clopyralid, dicamba and pyrasulfatole. Refer to the Guide to Crop Protection for a full list of recropping intervals.
Variety Selection
There are four lupin species of agricultural significance and crop management of these species can be quite different. Limited commercial production in Manitoba to-date has been of the broadleaved sweet white lupin (Lupinus albus). Regional variety testing of this crop in Manitoba has also explored narrow leaved blue lupins (L. angustifolius) and more recently, yellow lupins (L. luteus).
Broadleaved Sweet White Lupin
White lupins are long-season (130 days to maturity) and have an indeterminate growth habit, forming branches and growing taller (70-80 cm). Seed size of this lupin type is large (350-425 g/1000 seeds) and flat in shape. Flowering occurs in stages, with the first inflorescence developing on the main stem, followed by second and often third inflorescences on subsequent branches.
Narrow-Leaved Blue Lupin
Narrow-leaved lupins are short-season (110 days to maturity) with a determinate growth habit growing to 50-60 cm heights. Seed size is smaller (175-225 g/1000 seeds) and oval to round in shape.

Lupins require 110 – 130 frost-free days from planting to maturity, depending on type and variety. See MPSG’s Pulse and Soybean Variety Guide for lupin variety data such as days to maturity and yield.

Seeding Date
Plant lupins within the first week of May to maximize yield and ensure white lupins mature before fall frosts. After the cotyledon stage, lupins have good spring frost tolerance.3
Similar to peas and faba beans, high temperatures during flowering may cause flower blasting where flowers abort.3
Target Plant Stand and Seeding Rate
Target plant stands vary with lupin type. For broadleaved sweet white lupins, target a living plant stand of 5 plants/ft² (218,000 plants/ac) and for narrow-leaved lupins, target 10 plants/ft² (435,000 plants/ac).2
Seeding Depth
Seed lupins into moisture at a depth of at least 1 inch. Since lupin cotyledons are brought above ground like soybeans, they cannot tolerate seed depths deeper than 2 inches. Ensure even crop residue distribution across the field to aid ease of emergence.
Rolling is not generally required for lupins since they typically do not lodge under normal growing conditions and pod high off the ground.
Crop Nutrition
Inoculate lupins with Bradyrhizobium lupini bacteria to facilitate root nodule development and biological N fixation.3 This rhizobia inoculant is specific to lupins and currently available in liquid and peat formulations. Lupins are excellent at fixing nitrogen, fixing around 65-78% of their N requirements.4,5
Select fields with <50 lbs N/ac of residual N to facilitate nodule development. No additional N fertilizer is required.
Balance phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) removal with inputs throughout the crop rotation, maintaining soil test P levels of 10-20 ppm and K levels >100 ppm.
Since lupins are seeded into cool soils, access to P early in the season will promote root development and early-season growth. Research from Alberta indicates an application of 20 lbs P2O5/ha, (35 lbs/ac of 11-51-0 side banded (1″ to the side)), maximizes yield and minimizes risk.2
Pest Management
Monitor for wireworms and cutworms from May to June. Insecticide seed treatments are available to protect against wireworms. Assess the need to use these products on a field-by-field basis.
Blister beetles (Epicauta spp. and Lytta spp.) will preferentially feed on lupins. They may cause defoliation and have also been observed to feed on the flower buds and young pods.

Scout for grasshoppers from June to August, ensuring defoliation remains low. Defoliation thresholds do not exist for lupins, but metre-square estimates of grasshopper numbers may be used to determine when control may be warranted. Estimate the number of grasshoppers that jump from a square metre area as you walk towards it and then count the remaining grasshoppers in the area by disturbing plants to encourage them to jump. Repeat this at least five times to establish an estimate for the area and do not walk in a straight line so jumping grasshoppers do not accumulate in your path. When populations exceed eight to 12 grasshoppers per square metre, control is usually warranted.6
Select relatively weed-free fields where perennial weeds have been managed in the previous crop. Note that no in-crop herbicide options will control volunteer canola, so seeding into canola stubble should be avoided.

Weed control options are relatively limited for this emerging crop. Several user-requested minor use label expansions (URMULEs) are in-progress to expand herbicide options for lupins. Refer to Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety database for a full list of current products registered for use on lupin by typing lupin, lupins, lupine, lupines into the search tab, to search full contents of e-labels.
Pre-seeding herbicide options include Aim (carfentrazone) alone or in combination with glyphosate, Express SG (tribenuron methyl) in combination with glyphosate and Goldwing (pyraflufen-ethyl + MCPA ester) alone or with glyphosate. To minimize crop injury, using the lower end of the application rate range is the safest course of action. Refer to individual product labels for more information.
Crop injury can occur from common pulse herbicides like Viper (imazamox and bentazon), Odyssey (imazamox and imazethapyr), Pursuit (imazethapyr) or Basagran (bentazon), among others, so read product labels closely before applying to lupins.
Fall-applied Edge (ethalfluralin) has shown more consistent weed control for lupins than spring applications.2 It is recommended to use a pre-seeding burndown combined with timely in-crop applications.

Lupins are resistant to Aphanomyces euteiches making them an attractive alternative pulse crop option in fields with this root rot disease.
Lupins are susceptible to root rot complexes, including Fusarium spp., Pythium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani. Fungicide seed treatments can offer protection from these diseases for up to three weeks after planting. Consider fungicide seed treatments when planting in short rotations with other pulse crops or when soil conditions are saturated.
Scout for foliar and stem diseases from July to early September. The main yield-limiting disease of concern is Anthracnose (Collectotrichum gloeosporiodes or C. acutatum) when weather conditions are conducive for its development. Broadleaved white lupins and yellow lupins are more susceptible to anthracnose than narrow-leaved blue lupins. Like other broadleaved crops, lupins are susceptible to white mould (Sclerotinia).
Fungicides for control of foliar diseases of lupin include Acapela (picoxystrobin), Elatus (benzovindiflupyr + azoxystrobin) Lance (boscalid), Tilt (propiconzole), Quadris (azoxystrobin), Priaxor (pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad) and Headline (pyraclostrobin). Consult the Guide to Crop Protection for more information.
Direct harvest (straight cutting) is most common for lupins. White lupins typically do not shatter at harvest while narrow-leaved blue lupins are susceptible to shatter losses and should be monitored closely during maturity and harvest. Harvesting at higher seed moisture contents is recommended to avoid shatter in narrow-leaved blue lupins followed by aeration down to dry.
Long-season, indeterminate white lupins typically require the use of a desiccant to advance harvest. At desiccation timing, pods at the bottom of the plant will be ripe and seeds within those pods will have detached from pods. Seeds within pods at the upper portion of the plant will split evenly in half, not squish, when pressure is applied. At this stage, plant stalks may be green.2
Lupins are ready for harvest at 17-18% seed moisture, around 7-10 days after desiccation. Aeration following harvest is common to bring lupins down to the safe storage moisture of 15%.3

- Olson, M., Lupin Platform Inc. 2024. Compositional analysis comparison between lupin and field pea species.
- Olson, M., Lupin Platform Inc. Lupin Production – Quick Tips.
- Duke, J.A. 1981. Handbook of Legumes of World Economic Importance. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4684-8151-8
- Larsen, K.J., K.G. Cassman and D.A. Phillips. 1989. Yield, dinitrogen fixation and aboveground nitrogen balance of irrigated white lupin in a mediterranean climate. Agron. J. 81:30
- Kelstrup, L., J.S. Rowarth, P.H. Williams and C. Ronson. 1996. Nitrogen fixation in peas (Pisum sativum), lupins (Lupinus angustifolius L.) and lentils (Lens culinaris Medik.). Proceedings Agronomy Society of NZ. 26.
- Gavloski, J. 2022. Grasshoppers: Identification, Monitoring and Management.