Late season, The Bean Report

The Bean Report – August 28, 2024

AUGUST 28, 2024

Listen to the Bean Report:

Crop Update 

  • Soybeans range from late R5 (beginning seed) to R6 (full seed). Recent rains were welcome for soybeans at the critical seed filling stages.
    • Compared to 2023, soybeans are roughly a week behind where they were last year at the end of August. On Aug. 30, 2023, most soybean crops were at R7 (mid-maturity) with some fields as far advanced as R8 (full maturity).
    • Soybean aphids have been increasing and have reached thresholds in some areas. Once soybeans are at R6 staging, where seeds are full at the top of the plant, soybeans are considered “safe” from soybean aphids as yield loss is expected to be minimal. For fields that have not reached R6, keep scouting and monitoring for soybean aphids.
    • Stem diseases are occurring in several fields, typically in the headlands. Pod and stem blight, northern stem canker, white mould and Phytophthora root rot have been more common to spot this year due to previous moisture and humidity in the crop canopy.
    • Annually, disease surveys are conducted across the province. This year’s soybean disease survey occurs at two growth stages – R4 for foliar and root diseases and late R6/7 for stem diseases. The stem disease survey will begin shortly. See 2023’s Disease Survey Results in Soybeans, Dry beans and Field peas →
    •  Forecasted overnight temperatures across the province are expected to dip as low as 7°C. Soybean Maturity and Low Temperatures →
  • Field pea harvest is on-going. Pea yield reports have ranged from 30 to 80 bu/ac, depending on region.
    • Peas are ready for harvest when overall seed moisture is 18 to 20%. The maximum safe storage moisture for peas is 16%. Aeration in the bin is typically used to reach this safe storage moisture. Peas usually sweat after going in the bin, so monitor for moisture build-up or spoilage post-harvest.
    • If root rot was present in your peas this year, soil samples can still be taken for Aphanomyces root rot testing. Aphanomyces is a challenging root rot and extending the crop rotation is one of the only management options. As a result, knowing whether it was Aphanomyces infecting your peas and the impact across the field will help you to determine your rotation length and when you can put peas back in that field.
  • Dry beans range from R7 (full seed) to R9 (full maturity), with most at R8 (beginning maturity). As some fields near R9, farmers are preparing to undercut and desiccate fields, with harvest starting on some large red kidneys.
    • Stems bleached by white mold are easy to spot in the field right now. Break stems open to look for hard, black sclerotia bodies to confirm the presence of white mould.
    • If desiccating, target the R9 (full maturity) stage when 80% of leaves have dropped and 80% of pods had changed to their mature colour in the greenest areas of the field. Seeds in the youngest pods will have lost their green colour when split in half. Dry Bean Desiccation and Harvest Guide →
    • The maximum safe storage moisture for dry beans is 16%. Seed moisture below 16% increases the risk of cracked seed coats and split beans. Seed moisture above 18% increases the risk of heating and spoilage. Moisture will fluctuate throughout the day and should be monitored. Handle edible beans as little and as gently as possible.
    • Harvesting Tips to Improve Dry Bean Quality →
  • Faba beans range from R7 (mid-maturity) to R8 (full maturity).
  • Post-Harvest and Long-Term Storage of Soybeans and Pulses →

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