WEBINAR: Managing Herbicide-Resistant Weeds in Soybeans

This webinar provides a recap of Manitoba-based research on volunteer canola management in soybeans and the latest updates on how to mitigate and manage herbicide-resistant weeds in Western Canada.

Dr. Charles Geddes is a Research Scientist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Lethbridge, Alberta. He leads the Weed Ecology and Cropping Systems research program, which focuses on discovery, monitoring and management of herbicide-resistant weeds in western Canada. Charles grew up on a mixed farm near Pilot Mound, Manitoba. He graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Ph.D. in Plant Science, specializing in volunteer canola management in soybeans. Currently, he leads prairie-wide research projects focused on management of glyphosate-resistant kochia, weed seedbank management and integrated weed management in soybeans.