Field Pea General Production

Field peas (Pisum sativum), also referred to as dry peas, are marketed as a dry seed product (i.e., pulse) for human consumption. They differ from garden peas, which are marketed as a fresh, frozen or canned vegetable.

This cool season crop is best suited to dry conditions. Peas are mainly grown in Saskatchewan and Alberta, followed by Manitoba. Most Manitoba pea acres are situated in the western regions of the province.

Nearly all of the pea varieties grown commercially today are semi-leafless varieties, meaning they do not branch out the way older varieties did. These semi-leafless pea plants must then knit their tendrils together with those of neighboring plants to form a thick, competitive plant stand. This also means narrow row spacing and adequate plant populations are critical for successful pea production. The most commonly grown market class is yellow, followed by green, forage, maple and other types, like marrowfat.