Early season
Field preparation, seeding and early-season scouting information.
Field preparation, seeding and early-season scouting information.
Crop UpdateEarly Season Scouting for Diseases and Root RotsJoin MPSG’s Scouting Network!
Seeding and Crop UpdateEvaluating Seeding DepthPlant Stand Assessment
New! AgriInsurance Seeding Deadline for Soybeans ExtendedSeeding UpdateSoil Test Nitrate Update
Seeding Timing ConsiderationsManitoba Agriculture’s Delayed Seeding and Wet Soils reportPea Seeding Tips
Seeding DatesSeed Treatments and Cool, Wet SoilsResidue Management Ahead of Soybeans
Field Selection for Soybeans and PulsesMoistureSalinity
Crop diversity, seeding, fertility, herbicide carryover, disease draw-down and grasshoppers and weevils.
Planning for Soybeans and Pulses with Soils Testing High in NitratesSave the Date: Getting it Right is back! March 9, 2022
Crop Staging and ConditionsAssessing Pulse and Soybean Plant StandsSoybean Replanting Decisions
Crop UpdateWeather UpdateDry Bean Seeding Recommendations