By: Laura Schmidt, Production Specialist – West, MPSG
One of Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers’ (MPSG) core activities is funding research on behalf of Manitoba’s pulse and soybean farmers. A critical component of this research’s success is ensuring those results make it back to the farmers. Your farmer dollars at work, your results.
To achieve this, MPSG production specialists take a very active role in extension such as producing the bi-weekly agronomy-focused Bean Report newsletter, participating and presenting at field days and farm press interviews, among many other activities. This growing season, along with producing 12 issues of Bean Report and 10 radio reports throughout the growing season, MPSG production specialists participated in nine field days across the province.
Here’s a recap of some of the events we participated in through the 2024 growing season.
Manitoba Agriculture’s Crop Diagnostic School – Carman
Running from July 3 to 5, and 10 and 11, 2024 MPSG production specialists, Laura Schmidt and Jennifer McCombe-Theroux, joined David Kaminski and Dennis Lange at the University of Manitoba Ian N. Morrison Research Farm in Carman, Man. for Crop Diagnostic School. Considering the wet start to the growing season, root rots were front-of-mind and results from recent crop surveillance and research were shared, covering Phytophthora root rot in soybeans and Aphanomyces root rot in peas.
Over the five days, more than 400 agronomists and farmers participated in the school, with a special commodity group-sponsored farmer day happening on July 5, 2024. It was hosted by MPSG, Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) and Manitoba Canola Growers Association (MCGA).

Cross-Commodity Crop Management Field Tour – Portage la Prairie
On July 23, 2024 a morning farmer-focused field day was hosted by MPSG, MCA, MCGA and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Portage la Prairie. More than 50 farmers joined us for the morning.
MPSG production specialists, Schmidt and McCombe-Theroux, covered soybean seed depth and rolling challenges this spring, sharing results from MPSG-University of Manitoba’s agronomist-in-residence program, MPSG’s On-Farm Network and research from North Dakota and Minnesota.

WADO – Melita
On July 25, 2024 temperatures reached 32 C for Westman Agricultural Diversification Organization’s (WADO) annual field day in Melita, Man. Over 60 folks turned up for the day, despite the heat.
MPSG’s production specialist – west, Schmidt, shared pea leaf weevil results and recapped Phytophthora root rot management in soybeans and Aphanomyces root rot in peas.

PESAI Field Day – Arborg
Prairies East Sustainable Agriculture Initiative’s (PESAI) annual field day in Arborg, Man. brought in over 30 farmers on July 31, 2024. MPSG’s production specialist – east, McCombe-Theroux, discussed making pea fungicide decisions.

CROP Field Day – Portage la Prairie
While McCombe-Theroux was busy at the PESAI field day on July 31, 2024 Schmidt, MPSG production specialist – west joined the group at the Crop Research Organization of Portage (CROP) field tour that morning near Portage la Prairie, Man. Schmidt shared a research update for soybeans and dry beans on diseases like Phytophthora root rot and soybean cyst nematode.
MPSG’s Dry Bean Tour – Morden
On Aug. 7, 2024 MPSG and AAFC hosted a Dry Bean Tour at AAFC’s Morden Research and Development Centre. More than 30 farmers were able to join us for this dry bean-focused morning.
AAFC pathologists, Yong Min Kim and Ahmed Abdelmagid, offered insight into dry bean diseases. AAFC plant breeders, Jamie Larsen and Anfu Hou, discussed the future of dry bean breeding for Manitoba. Dennis Lange, Manitoba Agriculture Pulse and Soybean Specialist, walked attendees though the regional variety trials for dry beans.

MCDC Field Day – Carberry
Also, on Aug. 7 2024, Manitoba Crop Diversification Centre (MCDC) hosted their annual field day in Carberry, Man. More than 100 attendees joined for a morning covering grain crops and 150 joining for the potato-focused afternoon. MPSG’s production specialist – west, Schmidt, showcased the lupin variety trials, walking attendees through broad-leaved sweet white lupins, narrow-leaved lupins and yellow lupins compared to field peas, and the promises and challenges of this novel crop.

PCDF Field Day – Roblin
Parkland Crop Diversification Foundation (PCDF) hosted their annual field day on Aug. 8, 2024 in Roblin, Man. with more than 40 farmers and agronomists participating throughout the day. MPSG’s production specialist – west, Schmidt, dived into MPSG’s pea seed treatment trials. These trials are hosted at Roblin and Swan River, Man. to explore pea leaf weevil management in the northwest region where pea leaf weevils occur in the greatest numbers.

ASCIA Soybean Variety Workshop – Beausejour
MPSG’s production specialist – east, McCombe-Theroux, offered a review of the 2024 soybean growing season at Agassiz Soil and Crop Improvement Association’s (ASCIA) soybean variety workshop on Sept. 20, 2024 near Beausejour, Man. More than 30 farmers joined for this soybean-focused morning exploring the regional variety trial site.