Header image for Soy Canada, with soy beans, the Soy Canada Logo and a clipboard behind the text the text Soy Quality Program.

Soy Quality program now administered by Canadian Grain Commission

New for 2024, the Soy Quality Program will now be administered by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC).

This world class testing program provides independent, third-party compositional and functional analysis of Canadian food-grade soybean varieties, showcasing their quality and helping Canada differentiate itself from competitors.

The program offers key quality information, positioning Canada as a leader in food-grade soybeans. This data enables customers to select or adapt new varieties to meet specific end-use needs, ensuring growers have continued access to genetic innovations.

Soy Canada announced this partnership with the CGC in October. As the program coordinator, Soy Canada selected the CGC to take over from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) Harrow Research and Development Centre following the discontinuation of AAFC’s funding in 2023.

Building on the legacy of AAFC Harrow, the same validated scientific methods will be applied to the Soy Quality Program. Starting with the fall 2024 harvest, all food-grade soybean samples collected for Food-Grade Variety Testing and Soyfood Performance Testing will be submitted to the CGC for analysis.

The program is funded by contributions made by the Grain Farmers of Ontario, Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers, Producteurs de Grains du Quebec, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and the CGC.

For more information, please contact Nicole at nmackellar@soycanada.ca