Check out the trial options!
Whether you grow soybeans, dry beans, peas or faba beans, we have trials that will interest you! Browse the available trial options below, and see what might be a good fit for your farm.
Research report
Production Resource
Field Pea Fungicide Trial – Single Application
Research report
Production Resource
Soybean or Pulse Biological Trial
If you are interested in participating in any of the trials, or have a trial idea of your own, email, text/call 204-751-0439 or sign up at the On-Farm Network Trial Signup Page. To participate you must be a member in good standing with MPSG.
Things to keep in mind:
- Your fields, your results. This is research conducted in your fields, with your equipment, under your management decisions and growing season conditions. Want results that apply to your farm? There is no better option than homegrown data, right from your soil.
- Put science to work on the farm. In the On-Farm Network, we pride ourselves on conducting scientifically and statistically sound research with farmers, so you can have confidence in your results. We’ll guide you through the whole process, supporting trial establishment with a randomized and replicated plot plan, collecting data and observations in-season, facilitating collection of accurate yield data using your grain cart with a scale or our weigh wagon.
- Straightforward results at your fingertips. Findings from your trial will be compiled into a short report, including observations, in-season data, yield results and economics.
- Grow the network, expand your knowledge. As the On-Farm Network grows, we can compile trial results across growing seasons and regions to investigate agronomic outcomes across time and space. Building a database of trials overtime adds a dimension of knowledge that can aid in agronomic decision making on the farm.