
Meet MPSG’s Newest Director Garrett Sawatzky

“I had an objective of joining a commodity group at some point,” said Garrett. “But I wasn’t sure about the timing. When I got tapped on the shoulder last winter, I decided to give it a try. I wouldn’t say that meetings, boards and politics are at the top of my list of passions, but I’ve learned that if you care about something, getting involved is the best way you can make sure whatever it is you are passionate about can thrive.”

The Politics of Soybeans in Canada

For two successive crop years, the prospects of Canadian soybean producers have been jeopardized by the cumulative repercussions of political decisions taken by the governments of the United States, China and Canada.

Stress on the Farm? We’ve Got You Covered.

If you farm in Manitoba there is a good chance that this year has been a bit of a rollercoaster. Spring drought, record rainfalls and an early winter snowstorm made 2019 one for the records — and not in a good way.

Clancey’s Stats

Pulse market analysis Brian Clancey, Senior Market Analyst and Publisher, STAT Communication PULSE MARKETS ARE starting the 2019–20 marketing campaign…