
Investments in Plant Breeding

A survey conducted by prairie farm policy groups showed low farmer satisfaction with the two seed royalty options currently on the table. As individual farmers weigh the cost of accessing the best genetics, grower-led associations such as MPSG are prompted to consider the role check-offs will play in future plant breeding programs.

On-Farm Research – by Farmers, for Farmers

IN TODAY’S ERA of high input costs, low margins and considering the ever-increasing need to improve sustainability of the farm operation, validation of agronomic management decisions made on-farm are ever-more important.

Waterhemp in Manitoba

Pigweed has been an issue in Manitoba bean production (edibles and soys) in previous years with confirmation of more populations of Group 2 herbicide-resistant redroot pigweed and increasing occurrences of green pigweed/Powell amaranth. But another pigweed species caught many by surprise in 2019, even though the threat was imminent.