News, Pulse Beat Individual Articles

Investments in Plant Breeding

A survey conducted by prairie farm policy groups showed low farmer satisfaction with the two seed royalty options currently on the table. As individual farmers weigh the cost of accessing the best genetics, grower-led associations such as MPSG are prompted to consider the role check-offs will play in future plant breeding programs.

News, Pulse Beat Individual Articles

Waterhemp in Manitoba

Pigweed has been an issue in Manitoba bean production (edibles and soys) in previous years with confirmation of more populations of Group 2 herbicide-resistant redroot pigweed and increasing occurrences of green pigweed/Powell amaranth. But another pigweed species caught many by surprise in 2019, even though the threat was imminent.

News, Pulse Beat Individual Articles

Meet MPSG’s Newest Director Garrett Sawatzky

“I had an objective of joining a commodity group at some point,” said Garrett. “But I wasn’t sure about the timing. When I got tapped on the shoulder last winter, I decided to give it a try. I wouldn’t say that meetings, boards and politics are at the top of my list of passions, but I’ve learned that if you care about something, getting involved is the best way you can make sure whatever it is you are passionate about can thrive.”