Field Pea Fungicide Trial – Single Application
Wondering about fungicide efficacy on field pea? Conduct a replicated and randomized strip trial to investigate yield differences!
Wondering about fungicide efficacy on field pea? Conduct a replicated and randomized strip trial to investigate yield differences!
Trying to balance the cost of soybean seed with plant stand requirements to maximize economic return? Investigate different seeding rates…
Does a fungicide application on soybeans pay? Find out with a trial!
Does narrow soybean spacing increase productivity and profitability? Test it out!
Have you been growing soybeans for a while? Are you curious if your inoculation strategy can change, now that you…
Have a biological product you are interested in testing? Find out if it works with a trial!
What pea seeding rate and target plant stands will maximize yield? What’s the effect on disease pressure, as canopy density…
Will a fungicide application in peas bring in a profit? Find out with a trial!
What inoculant strategy is best for your pea production? Investigate with a trial!
Does a seed treatment reduce seedling disease and/or insect damage and improve plant establishment? Will it increase yield? Investigate with…
Will fungicide application reduce disease pressure in dry beans this year? Will it be an economic decision? Conduct a trial…
Are dry bean inoculants effective at increasing nodules? What is the effect on dry bean yield? A randomized and replicated strip trial comparing inoculated and non-inoculated dry beans can help answer these questions.
Your dry bean production might require less N fertilizer than you think! Investigate the right rate for your farm with…
Interested in reducing tillage ahead of dry beans? Compare reduced tillage to your normal practice in a trial!
Will fungicide application in faba beans pay this year? Check it out with a trial!