The Bean Report – July 8, 2020
Crop UpdateCrop ConditionsSoybean Nodulation Assessment
Crop UpdateCrop ConditionsSoybean Nodulation Assessment
Crop updateScouting tipsMycosphaerella blight and pea fungicide decisions
Crop desiccation has become an increasingly hot topic. In part due to consumer demand for pesticide-free products, variable maximum residue limits (MRLs) across export markets and the negative spotlight on glyphosate.
It doesn’t mean desiccation is off-limits. But we need to understand the limitations of late-season herbicide. Especially when it comes to crops destined for human consumption, including field peas and dry edible beans.
Crop UpdateInsect UpdateFungicide Application in Dry Beans
Crop UpdatePea and Soybean AphidsFoliar Diseases
Two Spotted Spider MitesSoybean Cyst NematodeJuly Field Day Review
Potassium deficiency in soybeansRescue N for poorly-nodulated soybeansSoybean steam and root diseases
Soybean foliar diseasesDry bean fungicide applicationAssessing IDC severity
Soybean yield loss from hailAssessing soybean nodulationFoliar fungicide for peas
Soybean aphid scoutingField pea desiccationUltimate Soybean Challenge update: nodulation
Soybean, dry bean & field pea updateIron deficiency chlorosis (IDC)Field pea aphids
Hail damage in soybeansBacterial blight in dry beansRecord pulse & soybean acres
Soybean Nodulation AssessmentField Pea Aphid ScoutingUltimate Soybean Challenge Update
Soybean and Dry bean updateBacterial blight and white mouldSoybean acres up slightly from 2014
Short soybeans? Growth will continueNo soybean aphids yetSoybean School: Disease identification
Pod development and cool temperaturesSoybean insect defoliatorsCrop damage considerations
Fungicide applications for prevention of white mould in dry beansNutrient applications for soybeans: what you should knowSoybean aphid advisor app
Assessing nodulation in beans and peasSoybeans and PhosphorusKeeping an eye out for Bacterial Blight, Ascochyta and Phytophthora