Soybean Seeding Decisions – Seeding Window and Seeding Depth Results from 2017 and 2018
What seeding date and depth maximizes soybean yield?
What seeding date and depth maximizes soybean yield?
A moisture content of about 13 percent at harvest is optimal for mitigating mechanical damage.
Know your N creditsP and K removed and replacedMake your own N – cover cropping
Your one-stop shop for all things soybean aphid, based on the most recent and relevant research findings.
Dr. Yvonne Lawley, Department of Plant Science, University of Manitoba With the increase in harvested acres of soybean in Manitoba,…
The yellowing over of soybean fields, caused by iron deficiency chlorosis, during June in Manitoba is a mystery that continues to be investigated.
Laura Schmidt, Extension Coordinator, MPSG Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers joined the Manitoba Canola Growers Association for an interactive, two-day…
The root rot complex affects soybeans and pulse crops. This resource describes symptoms and management options.
Harvest speed & header typeHeader losses & harvest angleSoybean harvest tips
Basic agronomic recommendations for soybeans, from field selection to harvest and storage.
A visual guide and timeline of soybean development stages and key crop scouting activities.
Recommendations on soybean nutrient management, inoculation and iron deficiency chlorosis.
Non-dicamba tolerant soybeans are highly sensitive to dicamba injury. Here are the four ways they experience damage.
Soil compaction affects yields, what can you do about it?
Row spacing, seeding density and variety play an important weed management role.
A timeline that indicates when to scout for soybean insect and disease pests, and their impact on production and quality.
A visual guide to assess soybean staging as the crop nears maturity.
A visual guide to soybean insect and disease pests in Manitoba.