The Bean Report

The Bean Report – December 14, 2022

DECEMBER 14, 2022

2022 Pulse and Soybean Variety Guide

The latest agronomic performance data of pulse and soybean varieties is now available online! In 2022, 19 herbicide tolerant soybean, nine conventional soybean, nine dry bean (four wide-row and five narrow-row), 10 field pea and three faba bean trials were conducted. Nearly 200 varieties were tested across all trials.

Soybean and dry bean trials were sponsored and coordinated by MPSG. Field pea and faba bean trials were co-sponsored by MPSG and the Manitoba Crop Variety Evaluation Team (MCVET), and coordinated by MCVET.

The Highlighter Test

The highlighter test is the best way to compare statistical differences between varieties. We can be confident that yield differences among varieties outlined by the least significant difference (LSD) value are due to genetics and not environmental or experimental error. The following highlighter test rules apply to any crop type in this guide:
  1. In one colour, highlight the LSD value at the bottom of the Yields by Location table for your chosen location(s) and highlight the yields of your chosen check variety (it can be any variety of your choosing).
  2. In a second colour, highlight the varieties that yielded more than your designated check by the LSD amount. For example, with an LSD of 10, variety yields must differ by 10% from the check to be significantly different.
  3. In a third colour, do the same for varieties that yielded less than the check by the LSD amount.

New Soybean Highlighter Test Tool

New this year is an excel tool that auto-generates the highlighter test for you using data from the 2022 soybean variety trials. Within the spreadsheet, choose which trial you would like to explore (eastern or western locations of herbicide-tolerant, conventional or first-year entry soybean trials).
Once you select a variety from the drop-down list on the right side of the spreadsheet, varieties that yielded significantly more than your chosen selection will be highlighted green and varieties that yielded significantly less will be highlighted in red. These are colour-coded based on each site’s individual LSD value. If a variety is not highlighted in green or red then yield did not significantly differ from your chosen variety.

2022 On-Farm Network Results Are Now Available!

MPSG’s On-Farm Network (OFN) is a network of farm-scale research with a focus on pulse and soybean crops. It is fully funded and directed by Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers.

All research in this network is based on three important principles:

  1. Participatory – conducted on-farm with farmers
  2. Precise – produces data that are unbiased, accurate and robust
  3. Proactive – delivers results to guide management decisions, aiming to improve the productivity and profitability of the farm operation

The overall goal is to test new products and practices for pulse and soybean production while empowering farmers to conduct simple, reliable research on their farms.

In 2022, 44 OFN trials were conducted across Manitoba investigating 12 different research questions through various trials. New trials this year evaluated pea and dry bean biological products. We hope to continue exploring these trials and more with interested farmers to further build these datasets!

On Tuesday, we hosted the On-Farm Network Appreciation Dinner to share the results of this research with farmer participants. This event was co-hosted by MPSG, Manitoba Crop Alliance and Manitoba Canola Growers Association.

Single-site reports for each trial conducted through the OFN are available in the On-Farm Network Database, now updated with 2022 reports. Sort and filter by crop, year, trial type and region in Manitoba to find results applicable to your farm. Or search for trials using the interactive map. After 11 years of on-farm testing, this database remains a valuable resource for local soybean and pulse production research.

We hope you enjoy browsing through these results. We’re excited to share them. If you have any questions, or if you would like to discuss any of these results further, please reach out to us.

Wishing you and your families a safe and happy holiday season!

New Production Resources!

Dry Bean Narrow-Row Production Guidelines

Organic Field Pea Weed Control Guide


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