Soybean Cyst Nematode
The presence of Soybean Cyst Nematode has been confirmed in Manitoba.
Preventative action, early detection and timely management are key in avoiding significant yield loss from SCN.
Survey of Soybean, Field Pea and Dry Bean Root Rots in Manitoba
Root rot symptoms are often overlooked by farmers seeking to identify the cause of under performance in a crop.
Soybean Seed Treatments: Assessing Your Risk
The following risk assessment was developed to help farmers and agronomists identify where seed treatments are most likely to be beneficial by describing the factors that influence soil insect populations and fungal pathogens.
Root Rot Complex – Symptoms and Management
The root rot complex affects soybeans and pulse crops. This resource describes symptoms and management options.
Soybean Insect and Disease Scouting Calendar
A timeline that indicates when to scout for soybean insect and disease pests, and their impact on production and quality.
Soybean Insect and Disease Identification Guide
A visual guide to soybean insect and disease pests in Manitoba.
Soybean Seed Treatment Risk Assessment
Pests to consider, recommendations and research results for seed treatment use in soybeans.