MPSG 40th Anniversary Golf Tournament & BBQ

Date: June 19, 2024

Time: 11:00 am CST

Location: Sirski Farms, Dauphin, MB (Pulse Canada AGM & Luncheon) |  Gilbert Plains Golf Course and Sirski Farms, Dauphin, MB (MPSG 40th Anniversary Golf Tournament & BBQ)


We are excited to invite you to attend a joint celebration of Soy Canada’s 10th anniversary and the 40th anniversary of the founding of Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers on June 19th in Dauphin, Manitoba. The day will start with Soy Canada’s Annual General Meeting including a keynote address from a special guest, followed by a charity golf tournament in the afternoon and an evening barbeque. The celebration will be hosted on Sirski Farms, home of Ernie Sirski, a director of both Soy Canada as well as Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers. To attend, please RSVP through the links below, where more detail can be found:

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to gather with leaders from the agricultural community. We expect to have Soy Canada members from across the value chain in attendance at the event, including directors from the boards of Soy Canada and the Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers, leaders from the Manitoba and Saskatchewan agricultural community, as well as invited guests.

We hope you can join us.



Brian Innes, Executive Director of Soy Canada

Daryl Domitruk, Executive Director of Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers