2013 harvest quality reports for Canadian food-grade soybeans, peas and lentils are available from the Canadian Grain Commission.
Protein content for yellow and green peas ranged from 17.3% to 27.3%. The mean protein content for 2013 western Canadian peas was 22.0%, which was lower than the mean of 23.5% for 2012 and the ten-year mean protein content of 23.6%.
Full report: http://www.grainscanada.gc.ca/peas-pois/hqp-qrp-eng.htm
Food-grade soybeans
Protein content for 2013 Canadian food-type soybeans ranged from 37.4 g to 52.3 g per 100 g dry matter. The mean protein content in 2013 was 41.4 g per 100 g dry matter, which was similar to the mean in 2012 (41.3 g per 100 g dry matter). The mean protein content for Manitoba for 2013 was 41.2 g per 100 g dry matter, which was higher than the mean for 2012. The mean protein content for Ontario for 2013 was 41.3 gper 100 g dry matter, which was the same as that for 2012, while the mean protein content for Quebec for 2013 was 44.8 g per 100 g dry matter, which was higher than the mean for 2012.
Oil content for 2013 Canadian food-type soybeans varied from 16.0 g to 23.7 g per 100 g dry matter. The mean oil content in 2013 was 21.1 g per 100 g dry matter, which was lower than the mean for 2012. The mean oil content for Manitoba in 2013 was 20.8 g per 100 g dry matter, which was lower than the mean for 2012. The mean oil content for Ontario in 2013 was 21.2 g per 100 g dry matter, which was lower than for 2012. The mean oil content for Quebec in 2013 was 19.0 g per 100 g dry matter, which was lower than the mean for 2012.
Full report: http://www.grainscanada.gc.ca/soybeans-soja/hqftsom-mqrsoa-eng.htm
Non-food grade soybeans
The first summary for quality of Canadian soybean export shipments up to November 30, 2013 is available. For No. 1 Canada soybeans, mean protein and oil content is 40.7% and 20.4%, respectively.
Full summary: http://www.grainscanada.gc.ca/soybeans-soja/export-exportation/s2013-2014-eng.htm
Protein content for green and red lentils in 2013 ranged from 23.4% to 30.5%. The mean protein content was 26.5%, which was similar to the mean for 2012 (26.7%), but lower than the five-year mean of 27.1%.
Full report: http://www.grainscanada.gc.ca/lentils-lentille/hql-qrl-eng.htm